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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Friday, August 27, 2021

Complete for time:

8 Wall Walks
100 Squats
6 Wall Walks
75 Kettlebell Swings – 1.5/1.0 pood
4 Wall Walks
50 Box Jumps – 24”/20”
2 Wall Walks


Coach’s notes:

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Comments: 3

13:29 Rx’d.
Wall walks plus grind, uggghhh. I showed up so I guess that’s a win? Very creative warmup today who knew bears were such obstacle course masters?
Thanks Ragnar!

16 min or so. I was suckin’ wind. Hips were a little muted for the swings. Shoulders are getting more strength back. I was feeling slow because I was. I had to suspend my ego on the box jumps and do step-ups onto the 20-inch box. Did the last ten Rx to feel like I’m moving forward.

Climbing out of the covid hole is hard work.

What a great 9:30 class. Thanks for the coaching OG.

16:29 rx’d
Thanks Syd!
Welcome Vanessa!

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