Friday, April 30, 2010
For Highest Load:
15 OHS
Coach’s notes: Establish your heaviest 15 RM OHS. Work up to the set as you choose and rest as needed between sets.
Compare to March 15, 2010
For Highest Load:
15 OHS
Coach’s notes: Establish your heaviest 15 RM OHS. Work up to the set as you choose and rest as needed between sets.
Compare to March 15, 2010
reminder that we are hosting a cert over the weekend… so adult classes will be at 7am on both days only (no other adult classes held). TT will be in the evenings at 5:30. and CFC kids, teens and pre-schoolers will be held outside at arbour lake at the usual times, weather dependent.
Neil – 65/75/85/95/105 all times 10
Judy – 11/23/25.5/28/30.5/33 all times 4
Thanks Taylor for your help!
65×8/75×10/85×12/90×6 – the plan was to do 15 here but didn’t have any energy left. Feeling very tired over the past few days – looking forward to a rest day or two.
Thanks Taylor!
was think i was going to get another set in after the 115 but the wrist just hurt too much.
Did WOD from April 28th and posted there.
115 was too much of a jump, maybe next time.
Just a quick reminder to Crossfit Kids–we will meet @ Arbour Lake Community Center ( play structure beside tennis courts) tomorrow for our class due to the Level 1 cert. Make sure you dress warmly as we will be outside.
See you there!
Did backsquat instead.
65×5/75×8/85×10/95×13/105×15 Could have gone higher I think but just finished playing an hour of ball hockey and ran out of steam.
Thanks Taylor!
Warmed up> Then 130×13, 130×5 (tried to go faster and lost balance), 130×15!!
thanks everyone for the push!