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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Friday, April 26, 2019

For time complete:

20 Bar Muscle-ups,
For every break in your set complete 10 Wallballs – 20# to 10’/14# to 10’, then
30 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
For every break in your set complete 5 Burpees to 6” height, then
40 V-ups
For every break in your set complete 1 rope climb, then
50 Overhead Squats – 95#/65#
For every break in your set complete 5 Strict Handstand Push-ups

Coach’s notes:

Post number of penalty sets and time to complete to comments.

WOD Leaderboard

Comments: 8

Split everything in half and did 2 rounds (10/15/20/25)x2. Quite a few penalties while I was at the pull-up bar.
Thanks Derek!

Lots of modifying.
BMU: thick green/skinny pink bands. More support than I usually use but I didn’t want to do too many wallballs.
C2B: ring rows
OHS: 55#
HSPUs: seated strict press 15/17.5#
Everything else rx’d
BMUs: 8/6/6 = 20 wallballs
Ring rows: 8/7/7/5/4=20 burpees
V-ups: 12/12/8/8 = 3 rope climbs
OHS: 12/13/13/12 = 15 press

Struggled mentally today.

Thanks for keeping me going Nat. I really needed the extra push.


Bar muscle ups unbroken off the box
Ring rows 15/10/5 with 2 sets of burpees
V sit ups 15/13/12 with 2 Rope climbs
Overhead squats 35# 15/15/10/10 with with 3 sets of seated press 30#

Still struggling with overhead anything but definitely getting less awkward

Thanks Nat

17:07 RX’d – I broke the bar muscle ups into 3 sets, pull-ups into 5 sets, V-ups 3 sets, OHS 3 sets. Did in open gym.

15:40 RXd

BMU: 15/5
CTB: 10/9/11
V-Up: 15/10/8/7
OHS: 20/15/15

BMU – 6/6/4/4
C2B – 5 sets
V-ups – 4 sets
OHS @ 75# – 15/15/10/10
Scaled my penalty HSPU to kipping HSPU.
Thanks Josh

Threw in the towel at 22 minutes, only got 1 set of 17 ohs in @75#, tried to do the penalty hspu and only managed 1 lol, toast.

BMU 5/4/4/3/3/1
C2B 8/9/5/4/4
Vups 20/6/6/8
Ohs 75# 17/nope

Fun one, tough for the shoulders!

BMU = 15/5, one penalty
CTB = 20/10, one penalty
V-ups = 16/11/8/5 = 3 rope climbs, these were actually very hard, very little pull, and could not raise my feet up very high!!!!!!!
OHS = 50, still working with my shoulder. Overhead position is pretty good and racked position is also pretty good, but the middle of the press and even more so, the middle of lowering is a bit painful, so stuck with one set here to avoid any penalty HSPU’s! 😉

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