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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Friday, April 11, 2008



2 rounds for time:

25 – Sumo Deadlift High Pull (SDLHP)

25 – 20″ Box Jump

25 – Knees to Elbows (K to E)

25 – Row (Cal)

25 – KB swings

25 – Double Unders

25 – Back Extensions

25 – Wallballs


Coach’s notes:  Guys use 75 lbs for SDLHP and Gals use 55lbs.  For wallball guys use the 20 and gals the 12lb ball.  In the KB swing guys use 1.5 pood (55 lb dumbbell) and gals the 1 pood (35 lb dumbbell).  Post time to complete to comments.

CrossFit Calgary is now offering CrossFit Kids classes.  Check out the details here!

Comments: 12

As Rx’d
22″ box jumps, 22# wall-balls


Good week of WOD’s

As rx’d
25:34 i believe.

As Rx’d
32:40 Wicked work out!!!

You know you are in trouble when no one comments on “it looked easy on the board”…28:32 or something like that….good hard workout. Thanks AFT.

WOD as Rx’d 22:28

Thought of another name for this workout…..The Better Half Of Filthy!

Great workout…good hard effort by everybody in the class!

DJ- 27:something as Rx’d
Brittany- 24:24

In Vancouver this week. I attempted the WOD at this gym but it was, of course, busy so impossible to utilize everything I needed for the workout in a timely manner so instead….

25 ball slams – 15lb medicine ball was the heaviest they had. I slammed the ball within 3-6 from the ground and caught at the same height.

800m run (there is a 200m indoor track at the gym I was at)

5 handstand pushups

20 ball slams
600m run
5 handstand push ups

15 ball slams
400m run
5 handstand push ups (had to break up at this point…did 4 then 1)

10 ball slams
200m run
5 handstand push ups (3, 1, 1)

time: b/w 11 and 12.5 minutes. I did not have a stop watch and there was a clock on the wall which I could only see when I started my run so I had to guess my time…so throw the accuracy out the window.

While I am here I gonna try to get to Crossfit Vancouver for a drop in see how “fit’ they are in the west coast with all those pot smoking hippies…wait I am from Vancouver…what does that make me?

the ball slams should say 3-6 inches from ground…

As rx’d
Thanks to the Friday Night CrossFitters for letting us come out to play tonight 🙂

as rx’d
Great Work Out!

For time:
50 Box jump, 26 inch box
50 Jumping pull-ups (Hands just touching the bar with full extension)
50 Kettlebell swings, 1 pood
Walking Lunge, 50 steps
50 Knees to elbows
50 Push press, 45 pounds
50 Back extensions
50 Wall ball shots, 25lb dumb bell to extension (No wall 10′ tall)
50 Burpees
50 Double unders

First time doing this. Painful.
Sub 22 Next time.

Still hurting from the week..need rest.

WOD in class


moved to small wall and bounced wallballs off of ceiling, as class was full and not enough space.

Could have pushed harder…next time.

33: something
Great workout..especially after thurs. workout..(I am posting this on Sunday, I think I can wave at my neighbours now!)

Not everything as required…first 25 SDLHP as rx’d second set was at 38lbs because the 55lbs was in use… which probably worked out for the best!

KB Swings at 12kg, felt the 16kg was going to fly out of my hands and go through the window…didn’t think that was a great idea so opted for lower!

Thought I was done with mods…wallballs were at wall not the 10ft marker!

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