Monday, September 17, 2007
1 round for time of:
50 box jumps
50 Sumo Deadlift High Pull – 45 lbs
50 Push Press – 45 lbs
50 KB Swings – 1.5 pood or 55 lbs
50 Walking Lunges
50 Knees to Elbows
50 Back Extensions
50 Wallballs – 20 lb ball to 10′ target
50 Push up Burpies
50 Double Unders
Coach’s notes: Scale any exercise as needed and post time to comments.
Had to find an alternate WOD as the gym was not equipped for today’s WOD
Did this one instead:
5 rounds for time
300m run
25 push-ups
25 push press
Time: 36:18
push ups: 25-18-15-11-8 military, then to girls
push press: used armcurl bar, no extra weight – worked on form
as it was my first time doing these. Turned out to be enough by round 5!