Archives: Strength
Thursday, May 26, 2022
On an 8:00 clock:
Handstand walk/wall walk practice
5 sets for load:
5 push jerks
Coach’s notes:
Post notes for pre-workout and loads for all set of push jerk to comments.
WOD LeaderboardTuesday, May 24, 2022
On a 20:00 clock:
10 rounds:
3 front squats
1:00 calories on any machine
– Increase front squat load as desired.
On a 3:00 clock:
Max-effort plank hold
– Rest as little as possible/try to go unbroken.
– Add load for athletes who can perform 3:00 unbroken.
Coach’s notes:
Post the load for each set of front squats and cals per round on the erg. Post plank results as well.
WOD Leaderboard