Archives: Row
Saturday, February 1, 2020

TT WOD – Partner:
In partners for As Many Reps As Possible (AMRAP) complete:
2:00 Wallballs Over the Rig – choose your weight.
2:00 Synchronized Toes to Bar
2:00 Mirrored (Synchronized) Side Shuffle – 20ft.
2:00 Synchronized Sumo Deadlift High Pull – 65#/45#
2:00 Alternating Box Jumps – 20” for all.
NO REST, then in partners complete 2 rounds for time of:
10 Alternating Crab Walks (5/each) – 40 ft., while partner holds a front plank.
20 Ring Dips while partner holds L-sit.
30 Burpees over Bar (total) while partner holds reverse plank.
40 Power Snatch (total) while partner hangs from bar – 65#/45#
50 Synchro Overhead Squats – 65#/45#
Every 2:00 for 20:00 complete:
Row – 32/26 Cals
Saturday, December 14, 2019

TT WOD – Partner:
In partners complete As Many Reps As Possible (AMRAP) in 10 minutes of:
10 Partner Wallball Push Press over (pull-up) Bar – choose weight
10 Synchro Pull-ups
10 Synchro Squat Snatch – 95#/65#
10 Synchro V-ups
REST 3:00, then
Alternating with your partner complete:
100 Forward and Reverse Shuttle Runs – 20ft.
* Every minute perform 5 synchro med ball cleans – 20#/14#
A. 5000m Row
Compare to Friday, December 11, 2009
B. Practice SLIPS for 20 minutes.
Coach’s notes:
Post rounds and reps complete for partner AMRAP and time to complete shuttle runs. For WOD post time for 5000m row and notes regarding SLIPS to comments.
WOD LeaderboardSaturday, May 25, 2019

TT WOD – Partner:
Alternating with your partner complete 10 rounds of (5 rounds each):
10 Medicine Ball Cleans – 20#/14#
12 Deadlift – 135#/95#
Partner 1 performs cleans while partner 2 performs deadlift, then switch.
Then alternating with your partner complete 10 rounds of (5 rounds each) of:
10 Box Jumps – 24”/20”
10 Knees to Elbows
Then complete 2000m row.
Overhead Squat – 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4
Coach’s notes:
Post time to complete Partner WOD and loads for all sets of overhead squat to comments.
WOD LeaderboardSunday, May 5, 2019

10 rounds for reps and cals of:
1:00 Shuttle Run (25 ft.)
1:00 Row (Cals)
1:00 Rest
Coach’s notes:
Post cals rowed and number of shuttle runs complete each round and all totals to comments.
WOD LeaderboardSaturday, April 27, 2019

TT WOD – Partner:
A. Partner 1 completes Diane while Partner 2 completes a 1000m row. If one partner finishes first, they may help the other partner complete the unfinished set. When both sets are complete partners then switch and once again may help each other only once one partner has completed their set.
B. Partner 1 completes 50 wallballs (20# to 10’ and 14# to 10’) while partner 2 holds their Diane deadlift. Reps only count while deadlift is held. When partner 1 has completed their 50 wallballs, switch.
C. Complete 50 Single Dumbbell Box Step Overs (50#/35# using 20” box for all), partners can divide work as they see fit.
5 rounds for time(s):
800m Row
REST 2:00
Coach’s notes:
Post time to complete Partner WOD and times for each row in WOD to comments.
WOD LeaderboardThursday, April 18, 2019

A. Row 2000m or 1 mile run
Compare to Wednesday, April 12, 2017 or Sunday, July 15, 2018
B. Practise skill/movements of choice with time remaining.
TT WOD – Accessory:
A. Bottoms up KB Press – 7-9 reps @ 3030 X 4 sets, rest 60-90s
B1. Farmers carry (Dumbbells or KB’s) – 60s X 4 sets, rest 60s
Notes: No hook grip and hands must be in the center of the grip (i.e. no touching wrist to the side)
2. Overhead Barbell Hold – 60s X 4 sets, rest 60s
C. Plank Complex – 30s each at Front/Left/Right X 3 sets, rest 30-60s
Note: Progression is to rings.
Coach’s notes:
Post time for row or run and notes for practice from WOD to comments. Post results for all sets in TT WOD to comments.
WOD Leaderboard