Archives: Multimodal
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Complete in any order all sets for time:
- 350 Double Unders
- Run 1 mile
- 30 Tire Flips
Coach’s notes:
Post time to complete each, order and total working time to comments.
WOD LeaderboardSunday, August 2, 2020
Complete all sets in any order for time:
A. 25 Bar Pull-Overs
B. 50 D-ball Over Alternating Shoulder
C. 75 Reverse Double Unders
D. 100 Cal Row/Ski/Bike
Coach’s notes:
Post order completed and time for each set and total working times to comments.
WOD LeaderboardSunday, June 21, 2020
Complete each set for time in any order
- Row 750m
- 75 Wallballs
- 75 GHD Sit-ups
- 75 KB Swings
Coach’s notes:
Post time to complete each set, order and if you were able to go unbroken for any sets (NOT the rowing!!!).
WOD LeaderboardSunday, April 12, 2020
At Home WOD
Complete all sets for time in any order.
- 30 STRICT Pull-ups
- 40 Two Foot Vertical Jumps – 24”18”
- 50 “Gorilla” Side Shuffle with Two Hand Touch
- 60 Prone (Toes Down) Back Extensions
- 70 Knee to Elbow Twisting Crunches
- 80 Milk Jug Cross Body Ground to Overhead
3 Rounds for reps of:
1:00 Toes to Rings
1:00 Dumbbell Box Step Overs – 35#/20#/hand
1:00 Hip Extension
1:00 Kettlebell Swing – 1.5/1.0 pood
1:00 Forward/Reverse Shuttle – 20ft.
1:00 REST
Coach’s notes:
Post time to complete each set of At Home WOD and reps per movement per round and all totals to comments.
WOD LeaderboardTuesday, February 18, 2020

A. As Many Reps As Possible in 2:00 – Hands on Box Jump Overs – 24”/20”
B. As Many Calories As Possible in 90s – erg of choice
C. 50 Burpees for time.
D. 50 Strict Pull-ups for time.
E. As Many Reps As Possible in 2:00 – Hip and Back Extension (controlled tempo)
TT WOD – Gymnastics
A1. Straight Arm Kipping Hip to Bar – 6-8 reps X 3-4 sets, rest 60-90s
A2. Seated Straddle (hollow body) Pike Raises – 6-10 reps X 3-4 sets, rest 60-90s
A3. Strict False Grip Muscle-up Transition – 5-6 reps X 3-4 sets, rest 60-90ss
Note: Use banded seat assistance or “toe nail” leg support
B1. Overhead Prone Plank Wall Hold – 30s X 3 sets, rest approx. 60s
Note: Ensure to keep hollow body position. To progress add shoulder touches.
B2. Standing Barbell Delt Raise to Overhead – 8-12 reps @ 3030 X 3 sets, rest approx. 60s
B3. Standing Single Arm Banded External Rotation and Press with External Rotation – 8-12 reps X 3 sets, rest approx. 60s
Note: Turn thumbs back at top.
Sunday, January 5, 2020

In any order and resting as you see fit between sets, complete all 4 couplets.
A. 2 rounds for time of:
25 Thrusters – 65#/45#
25 Wallballs – 20#/14#
B. 3 rounds for reps of:
30s Ring Dips
30s Pull-ups
C. 4 rounds for time of:
15 Cal Row
9 Burpees over Rower
D. 5 rounds for reps of:
1:00 Side Shuffle – 20 ft.
1:00 Box Jumps – 24”/20”