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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Archives: Flexibilty

Saturday, April 18, 2020

A.  Complete for VIRTUOSITY and time:

Dowel “DT” – 5 rounds of:

12 Deadlift
9 Hang Power
6 Jerks


Dowel “Randy”

75 Power Snatch

B.  Spend 15-20 minutes Stretching.


A.  Work to a moderate Power Snatch double in 12-15 minutes.

B.  “Randy” – For time complete:

75 Snatch – 75#/45#

Coach’s notes:

Post notes regarding positions for weightlifting and time to complete At Home WOD. Post loads for all sets of power snatch and time to complete Randy for WOD to comments.

WOD Leaderboard
Comments: 1

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

At Home WOD

A1.  Front Squat/Hip Squat from Toes/Squat Cleans/Split Jerk (non-dominant)/Split Jerk (dominant) – 7 reps/movement X 6 sets, rest approx. 90s

A2.  Alternate Between Front and Back Scales on both Left and Right sides between each set.


Complete 1 round for time of:
21 STRICT Handstand Push-ups
3 Rope Climbs
15 STRICT Handstand Push-ups
6 Rope Climbs
9 STRICT Handstand Push-ups
9 Rope Climbs


Coach’s notes:

Post all notes on movement effectiveness for At Home WOD and time to complete WOD to comments.

WOD Leaderboard
Comments: 6

Sunday, March 22, 2020


  1. 10 rounds for reps of:

20s Pistols, 10s rest

20s Double Unders, 10s rest

  1. Spend 30 minutes on SLIPS

At Home WOD

A1.  (3 Position Snatch Balance X 5 in each position/5 Controlled Overhead Squats/15 Controlled Sotts Press) X 7 sets, rest 120s

A2.  Practice Front and Back Scales between sets.

Weight for Snatch complex is dowel (broomstick).  The goal today is not load (obviously), but speed and execution of movement, and positioning.  If your doing the WOD (it’s actually an At Home WOD as well, assuming you have a skipping rope) post reps per movement per round and all totals to comments.  

Coach’s notes:

For the At Home WOD, post comments on speed and positioning and notes and times for scales to comments

WOD Leaderboard
Comments: 9