Archives: Core
Friday, June 10, 2022
A. For time:
50 GHD hip extensions
20 kipping pull-ups
25 GHD hip extensions
20 kipping pull-ups
50 single-leg squats
20 kipping pull-ups
25 single-leg squats
20 kipping pull-ups
3-5 sets each with a partner:
:40 GHD Superman hold
Max alternating single-leg V-ups
– P1 holds the GHD superman while P2 performs max alternating single-leg V-ups. Partners switch after :40.
-Rest as needed between sets.
Tuesday, June 7, 2022
15 KB swings (24/32 kg)
50-ft handstand walk
B1. Twisting Med Ball Wall Toss – 10-15/side X 3 sets, rest as needed btw.
B2. Peg Board Ascents – 1-3 reps X 3 sets, rest as needed.
Coach’s notes:
Post rounds and reps complete for AMRAP and results for post-workout to comments.
WOD LeaderboardTuesday, May 24, 2022
On a 20:00 clock:
10 rounds:
3 front squats
1:00 calories on any machine
– Increase front squat load as desired.
On a 3:00 clock:
Max-effort plank hold
– Rest as little as possible/try to go unbroken.
– Add load for athletes who can perform 3:00 unbroken.
Coach’s notes:
Post the load for each set of front squats and cals per round on the erg. Post plank results as well.
WOD LeaderboardTuesday, May 17, 2022
A. 7 rounds for reps:
15 DB deadlifts (35/50 lb)
1:00 calorie bike
– Rest 1:00
B. Post-workout:
5 sets each with a partner:
:45 DB front-rack hold
Max GHD sit-ups
– P1 holds the front rack while P2 performs max GHD sit-ups. Partners switch after :45
Coach’s notes:
Post reps per round, per movement and all totals for A and load and reps per round for B to comments.
WOD Leaderboard