Archives: Complex
Tuesday, June 14, 2022
7 sets for load:
1 snatch balance + 2 overhead squats
4 sets:
:40 alternating single-leg squats
– Rest :20
Coach’s notes:
Post load for each set of the complex and reps for pistols each round, plus total to comments.
WOD LeaderboardSunday, May 22, 2022
A. Pre-workout:
3 sets:
7 snatch-grip deadlifts
7 snatch pulls
7 muscle snatches
7 overhead squats
7 hang power snatches
7 power snatches
– Use a PVC on the first set and an empty barbell on the second set, your choice on third.
10 box jumps (20/24 in)
11 sumo deadlift high pulls (65/95 lb)
– Athletes must step down from the box.
Thursday, June 10, 2021
Bella Complex (from Rogue challenge)
Shoulder to Overhead
Front Squat
Shoulder to Overhead
Coach’s notes:
Well, here we have it Crew, finally a barbell back in our hands, have fun!!!!!!!
WOD LeaderboardTuesday, April 14, 2020
At Home WOD
A1. Front Squat/Hip Squat from Toes/Squat Cleans/Split Jerk (non-dominant)/Split Jerk (dominant) – 7 reps/movement X 6 sets, rest approx. 90s
A2. Alternate Between Front and Back Scales on both Left and Right sides between each set.
Complete 1 round for time of:
21 STRICT Handstand Push-ups
3 Rope Climbs
15 STRICT Handstand Push-ups
6 Rope Climbs
9 STRICT Handstand Push-ups
9 Rope Climbs
Coach’s notes:
Post all notes on movement effectiveness for At Home WOD and time to complete WOD to comments.
WOD Leaderboard