Archives: Ascending
Monday, May 4, 2020
At Home WOD:
From 0:00-6:00
In every odd minute complete 12 Milk Jug Thrusters
In every even minute complete 12 Bear Crawl – 20 ft.
From 6:01-12:00
In every odd minute complete 15 Milk Jug Thrusters
In every even minute complete 15 Bear Crawl – 20 ft.
From 12:01-18:00
In every odd minute complete 18 Milk Jug Thrusters
In every even minute complete 18 Bear Crawl – 20 ft.
Thruster and Bear Crawl Ladder
In the first minute complete:
1 Thruster – 95#
1 Bear Crawl – 10 ft.
In the second minute complete:
2 Thruster – 95#
2 Bear Crawl – 10 ft.
In the third minute complete:
3 Thruster – 95#
3 Bear Crawl – 10 ft.
Continue adding one rep for both minutes each minute until you are unable to complete in the minute.
Friday, January 17, 2020
A. Work to a challenging triple deadlift in 12 minutes.
B. Complete As Many Rounds As Possible in 12 minutes of:
3 Burpee Box Jump Overs – 24”/20”
3 Deadlift – 225#/155#
6 Burpee Box Jump Overs – 24”/20”
6 Deadlift – 225#/155#
9 Burpee Box Jump Overs – 24”/20”
9 Deadlift – 225#/155#
Coach’s notes:
Post load reached for deadlift and rounds and reps complete for AMRAP to comments. HAPPY BDAY COACH DEREK M!
WOD LeaderboardWednesday, January 1, 2020
A. Work to a moderate 5 rep sumo deadlift in approximately 12 minutes.
B. Adding one rep each round complete As Many Reps As Possible in 12 minutes of:
Sumo deadlift High Pull – 95#/65#
Burpees over Bar
Coach’s notes:
Post load for SDL and rounds and reps complete for AMRAP to comments.
WOD LeaderboardSaturday, September 28, 2019
TT WOD – Partner:
In partners for time complete:
50 Synchronized Kettlebell Swings – 1.5/1.0 pood
3:00 Synchronized L-sit hold
* For each break in your set, perform 15 Synchronized KB Sumo Deadlift High Pulls
50 Synchronized KB Box Step Overs (waterfall style over single box, choose box height)
3:00 Synchronized KB Overhead hold
* For each break in your set, perform 15 synchronized push-ups
50 Synchronized Medicine Ball Squat Clean and Shoulder to Overhead – 20#/14#
3:00 Synchronized Medicine Ball Wall Sit
* For each break in your set, perform 15 synchronized medicine ball switch lunges
50 Wallball Partner Tosses Over the Rig
3:00 Synchronized Handstand Hold
* For each break in your set perform 15 synchronized ring rows
Alternating Every Minute on the Minute (EMOM) complete:
5 Clean and Jerk – 135#/95#
5 Bar Muscle-ups, after 6:00 add one rep to each
6 Clean and Jerk
6 Bar Muscle-ups, after 12:00 add one rep to each
7 Clean and Jerk
7 Bar Muscle-ups, after 18:00 add one rep to each set, etc……..
Coach’s notes:
Post time to complete partner WOD plus notes and penalties and rounds and reps complete for WOD to comments.
WOD LeaderboardTuesday, September 24, 2019
Complete As Many Rounds As Possible (AMRAP) in 35 minutes of:
Run 200m (alternate run and wallball carry)
Toes to Bar
8 Pistols
10 Wallballs – 20#/14#
TT WOD – Opens Prep
12.2 – Complete As Many Reps As Possible (AMRAP) in 10 minutes of:
30 Snatch – 75#/45#
30 Snatch – 135#/75#
30 Snatch – 165#/100#
AMRAP Snatch – 210#/120#
Saturday, August 24, 2019
TT WOD – Partner:
Alternating with your partner for each set complete:
50 Shuttle Sprints – 40 ft.
50 Burpees
50 Box Step Overs – 50#/35#/hand @ 20” for all
50 Strict Pull-ups
50 Bear Crawls – 20ft.
50 Push-ups
50 Switch Lunges
50 Dumbbell Rows – 50#/35#/hand
50 Jump Squats
50 Dumbbell Push Press – 50#/35#/hand
50 Wallball Hamstring Curls
50 Ring Rows
50 Partner Toss Wallballs
50 Squats
Complete As Many Rounds As Possible in 21 minutes of:
5 Cal Row
1 Rope Climb
10 Cal Row
2 Rope Climbs
15 Cal Row
3 Rope CLimbs
20 Cal Row
4 Rope Climbs
25 Cal Row
5 Rope Climbs
Coach’s notes:
Post time to complete Partner WOD and rounds and reps complete in WOD to comments.
WOD Leaderboard