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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

A.  5 X 400m run, pace to keep each set the same, rest 2X work interval.

B.  As Many Rounds As Possible (AMRAP) in 20 minutes of:
200m Run
10 Sumo Deadlift High Pull – 95#/65#
10 Push-ups

Coach’s notes:

Post time for each 400m in A and rounds and reps complete in B to comments.

WOD Leaderboard

Comments: 13

A. 2:10/2:08/2:08/1:53/2:02
B. 6 rounds on the nose (rx)
Great work 6am and thanks Colin!

A. Rounds between 1:35-1:45
B. 10 rounds + run. Got my hands on the barbell but the timer went.
Thanks for the push Mandi. Always a pleasure OG!

A. 1:41/1:41/1:36/1:38/1:36
B. 9 rnds + run + 7SDLHP
Nice running this morning!

A. All rounds between 2:00-2:15

B. 10 rounds plus run- made it to the door. Erin is a machine just tried to keep up! I love me some healthy competition. Great way to start the day 💗

Almost didn’t come this am…would have missed out! What a great WOD – everyone was super warm after the runs for the AMRAP – so fun to watch Erin, Mandi, and Gill push each other – Erin you should come to 6 all the time! Great work to everyone at 6 am – glad we got to do this when it was cool out! More of these please!


6 rds + 1 SDLHP (rx)

A. 1:27/1:21/1:18/1:18/1:18
B. 11 rounds + about 30 feet.

A) 2:14/2:05/1:55/1:51/1:53-2 min rest each set
B) 8 rounds + 200 m + 3 SDLHP
Good job 7 a.m.
Thanks Colin!

A. 1:48/1:35/1:25/1:31/1:32 – first 2 rounds warm up …next 3 full go
B. 8 rounds + run + 2SDLHP
Thanks Josh!

2x warmup and 3x ‘full effort’:
1:58 1:52 1:45 1:41 1:40
Rest times for last 3 rounds capped at 3min
Thanks for the awesome support Michelle 😉

20min sweat fest:
8 rounds even
Running=walking speed with fast arms and legs
SDLHP unbroken.
Push-ups all 10s except last 2 rounds of 8+2
Times: 1:54 2:06 2:26 2:30 2:43 2:43 2:55 2:38


1:33 (warm up)
1:27 (warm up)

Part b: 10 rounds Rx’d.
Really fun one. Ryan and Jesse killed the runs.
Thanks Michelle!

A) 1:23/1:27/1:19/1:20/1:17 Jesse and Curtis were flying on the runs, I tried to keep up.
B) 12 rounds, midway on the run when time ran out.

Thanks Michelle!

A) 1:50/1:45. 1:23/1:30/1:28
B) 9 rounds + 200m

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