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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Cure SMA (Spinal Muscular Atrpohy): Awareness WOD 2009


Coach’s notes:  Please join us in doing a WOD in memorium and in efforts to raise awareness of SMA.  To learn more and to see what this year’s SMA Awareness WOD is, click on the above link.  Please post your WOD’s results on our site as well as the Cure SMA blog .  Thank you for your support!

Comments: 18

6 am “Bugaboo” 200 thrusters (#45)
1-65 – did these thrusters with 45 lb bar.
*Wrists started to hurt (darn these hygienist’s wrists!!) so I had to modify: 66-200 with 22 lb bar doing back squats instead. Allowed for a more neutral wrist position.
TIME – 18 min, 24 sec.
GREAT JOB to Paige, Shane, Keith and Don. You guys outperformed me as all your movements done as prescribed!! Last night’s WOD and today’s WOD were tough for me. Not on top of my game, that’s for sure!! More sleep, better nutrition, no more TOFFIFEE chocolates…etc.

as rx’d 19:02. Thanks Michelle!

15:12 as rx’d – Thanks Michelle for the push.

as rx’d 20:10
great job Katie!!
Thanks Michelle!

Rick with 42# modified for injury 15:22
Adelle as rx’d 35:34. This one was a real slow one for me, but I finished. Thanks for the push Michelle and the rest of the gang.

6 am with Alona, Shane, Keith and Don
20:18 as rx’d

14:29 as rx’d, took a while before I could remember how to walk. Great job Katie, Krista and Carmen. Way to push through that Lynn, you did fantastic. Thanks Laura.

15:21 as rx’d – Thanks Laura!!! nice work to everyone in the 6 pm class.. Chelsea, Katie – great times!! Carmen, Cory – nice work! my legs are still shaking and its been a few hours! yikes – wonder how tomorrow will be!

39:12 as rx’d

25:14 as rx’d.

I’m definitely arching my back too much in my thrusters, and by 80 reps in my lower back was done. I tried to correct for the remaining reps, but it was pretty tough going at that point.

27:06 as rx’d. One the hardest workouts I have ever done! My legs are still shaking and it has been almost two hours since I finished it. Thanks Laura!! Good work Cory, I did my best to try to beat you, but came in short. Rest day tomorrow for me!

Cory here are my rowing numbers for 10x 1:00min/1:00 min rest:
#1) 285/1:45.2/37/8/1332/300
#2) 273/1:49.8/32/5/1207/264
#3) 276/1:48.6/32/8/1237/273
#4) 261/1:54.9/31/5/1093/230
#5) 273/1:49.8/31/8/1207/264
#6) 263/1:54.0/34/5/1111/236
#7) 264/1:53.6/32/8/1120/239
#8) 256/1:57.1/34/5/1048/217
#9) 269/1:51.5/33/8/1168/252
Tot. 2688/1:51.6/33/8 or 5/1166/252

26:59 as rx’d
Amazing work by the ladies and gents today. This was a tough one!

23:35 as rx’d

Crazy workout. Nice work people.

I visited crossfit fredericton.

Strength work: 5RM squat

Scaled “Jason”
100, 75, 50, 25 squats
1, 3, 5, 7 muscle ups.
Time 18:00, last 7 muscle ups took a long time.

Front lever practice, a.k.a. front tuck holds.

25:51 as RX’d.

After battling a stomach flu for the last 6 days, this was a horrible welcome back! Legs were shot after 80.

Unbelievable time Chelsea as well as Krista and Katie!

Great work everyone to get through it!!

Thanks Laura!

as rx’d 15:54

With 38 # 24:54

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