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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Sunday, May 23, 2010


5 rounds for time:

400 m Run

15 Overhead Squats

Coach’s notes:  Guys use 95 lbs and gals use 60 lbs for overhead squats, or scale if needed.  Post time to complete to comments.

Compare to February 21, 2010

Comments: 9

Hmmm, doesn’t look good Cory 🙂

as rx’d 13:42 – new pr
great class, thanks Brett
Krista hope your wound heals quickly!
Alvaro hope you learned your lesson and didn’t do Fran as your warm up as you did last time

Scaled to 42#

16:22 as rx’d

Well Brent kicked my ass yet again.
Broke last 3 sets, dropped bar on last 2 sets and had to pick up from the ground.
I know I could have pushed through these!
My time 16:03

17:50 or 51?? as rx’d … BUT I’m sure I could have shaved at least :30 sec if I hadn’t stopped for bandaid break!!!! (sliced my finger on the rack-yep silly)
Rounds 1 & 4 unbroken … want to do this wod again!!!!
Thanks Brett! finger ok, black & blue but the “My Little Pony” bandaid looks good
Great job Kelly, Nancy, Yas, DOUG!!! – great to see you again!!! you kicked Nancy!!

oh ya, surprise surprise – can’t find my watch!

Thanks for the coaching Brett. Krista it’s nice to be back…I hope the finger is ok?

16:43 as rx’d HEAVY!!!!! y la puta madre que los pario!!!!
Thanks ryan, sarah, tylor and Mike. If it wasn’t for you I would have left in the middle of it

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