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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Sunday, December 5, 2010


30 reps for time:


Coach’s notes:  Board WOD.  Guys use 135 lbs, gals 95 lbs or scale as appropriate.  Post time to complete to comments. 

Comments: 8

5:42 with 47lbs for Isabel. Good work Erin!
Decided to do yesterday’s WOD too. 2000m Row (AKA: leisurely paddle-boat-in-thick-water type row) 9:21.
Thanks Brett

Scaled to 85# @9.22

12:15 @ 90lbs bahhhhh!! Didn’t like this at all!!! Good thing I did this at home…my language was very inappropriate!!! FU Isabel!!!

47 pounds. 5:07.
Thank you, Brett.
Great work 9:00 a.m. class – awesome peer pressure…. you rocked, Erin.

Long time since I posted. Thanks all for the peer pressure today. 10:54 @ 85lbs. Nice job everyone and nice work Rebecca….. there were many F bombs flying around for me today as well. We would have made a great team! Very lady like that is forsure!!!

11:31 rx’d
First time as rx’d. Felt soooo compelled to do this one but knew I couldn’t be reckless about it (I’m learning!). Needed to pace and focus on technique (getting under it). Thanks Brett for your advice. Looking forward to next time when I’ll take what I learned plus throw in just a little of that reckless energy 😉

4:35 with 47# (still babying back)
Definitely too light and could have gone faster. But, I’m trying to be patient…

Thanks Brett!

11:30 @ 125.

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