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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Monday, July 3, 2017

A.  75 Wallballs – 30#/20# to 10 feet.

B.  Front Squat – 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3

Compare to Sunday, April 30, 2017

Coach’s notes:

Post results for A and B to comments.

WOD Leaderboard

Comments: 12

A. 6:50 RX’d – need to work on heavy/high WBs, couldn’t get a rhythm going
B. 135/225/275/295/305f
Thanks OG

A: 5:10 @ 16# to 9′. Seems I am better at throwing a heavier ball to a lower target than a lighter ball to a higher one……
B: worked up to 100#.

Thanks for the cues Brett and Michelle for getting my head back into it!

A) 6:36
B) 125, 145, 155, 165, 170, 175 x 2, just couldn’t get that 3rd rep!
Thanks Michelle and Brett!
Nice job 10 am!

A) 6:20
B) Last set at 185#.

A. 4:18. Went with 8/7/8/7/8/7/8/7/5/2/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1
B. 225/245/265/285 X 1, gave up on the 2nd rep, although the first one was moving good, kinda fried from the weekend course, so called it good.

Warmed up with a mile run… Scaled to 9′ 20# 4:58 and did 85, 105,125, 145, 155 and stopped there

3:57 Rx’d.
Failed at 305, only got 2 reps.
Thanks OG. Fun one in the heat…

3:55 @ 20#
Thanks OG!

A: 25# to 10′ – 6:34
B: Up to 155# – did 2 sets at this weight.

At Greggor’s place aka “The Quarry”
Barbell Work:
A. DL: 6×3 @ 405# sumo double overhand
2 sets with hook grip. 4 sets with straps.
B. Bench: Max reps at 70% – 11 @ 185
C. 3×6 at 70% – All sets at 185
D. Brosquad Fitness
Greg, Cody, Jared, Cory, Moi
3 rounds. 1 min per station rest 1 min between rounds
1: yoke @ 375
2: DUs
3: Sled push/pull
4: Assault Bike
5: Dball 150#
E. 3 sets of reverse bench row

Perfect Sunday afternoon!

A: 7:25 16# to 10′
B: worked up to 140
Thanks OG!

A) 5:22 RX’d tried for sets of 5 after starting with 10- need to work on jumping it up more.
B) 125/145/155/165/170/175/180(last rep was a little fight)work on slow controlled down and spring up
Good job 10 a.m.
Thanks Michelle 🙂

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