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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Thursday, September 24, 2009

1 round for time:

800 m Run

40 Pick it Up and Put it Overhead

800 m Run

Coach’s notes:  Guys use 105 lbs and gals 75 lbs for the lift.  Weight must start from the floor and reach full lock out overhead for each rep, you choose how to get it there.  Post time to complete to comments.

Compare to August 26, 2009

Comments: 17

Looks solid Stacey D!
Great to work with the early morning folk today. Great energy and efforts
The DL numbers from yesterday are amazing to say the least. CrossFit Calgary rocks!

18:43 @ 52#

I have an extra pair of Do-Win lifting shoes from Power Firm in MB.
So if anybody wants a size 8 lifting shoe for $125, email me at p_morin@shaw.ca. They are the white with red & black trim on Power Firm web site.
Will mail back to Power Firm on Sunday if I have no takers.

“Sidhu modified version” apparently I have “A.D.D”!

800M Run
20 Pick it Up and Put it Overhead (75Ibs)
400M Run
20 Pick it Up and Put it Overhead (75Ibs)
800M Run


As rx’d (for the gals)…30:55

16:08 as rx’d! Thanks Michelle for pushing me (getting me!!!) through the “overheads!” knocked 1:04 off my last time *note to self: runs still suck!*
Great job today everyone! oh, nice work John!!!! I was wondering how you made it through 40 so fast!!!!

6:00 am class 13:34 thanks Trevor, Old Guy and Rob

12:30 as rx’d…thanks Michelle for the great coaching today! This is a great WOD!

Want to do this one badly but got strepth so will do it when i am better 🙁 hopefully i didn’t get anyone else sick tuesday morning

19:25 used 60lbs. Didn’t feel strong for the lifting.

15:10 as rx’d (25 sec faster than in June)

85 lbs. – same weight as August
August – 16:00
Today – 16:03 (3:19/8:40/4:04)
Next time do at least 15 lifts before thinking about resting.

Previous was 12:35 in June
First run was 3:15, second run started around 7 mins,
Wasnt quite clicking on the overheads, just a bit off today. Missed how fast I wanted to do the 40 reps by close to a minute from what I wanted

15:54 as rx’d – an improvement yippee – last time 62lbs and 17:??. Thanks Gord for the great coaching and Michelle for the push on the last run! We are all so lucky to have such amazing coaches and just fantastic people all around at this place! Everyone is so supportive!

Erin – you are so fast! Krista your running is strong – like everything else!!

28yom 182 lbs

As rxd @ talisman


12:34 as rx’d

It was fun to coach this WOD in the morning class and witness people dig deep…It was also great to do this WOD in a class as I’ve been wanting to do it since the first time it was posted. I’m looking forward to doing it again sometime!

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