Friday, May 29, 2009
21, 15, 9 rep rounds for time of:
Ring Dips
Coach’s notes: Guys use 135 lbs and gals 95 lbs for cleans. The catch must be full squat for all. Post time to complete to comments.
Compare to April 4, 2008
There are some changes to the class schedule effective June 1st. Click here to view.
POSE Running classes will be offered starting June 14. Click here for more details.
CrossFit Calgary in the media – The Calgary Herald does an article on CrossFit. Check it out here.
Nice job on the videos, Kris.
awesome video Kris!
18:26 as rx’d. Last ring dip took me 45 seconds with 3 failed reps!
Did the WOD backwards…dips b/f cleans. Did the prescribed number of dips on the bars to sub for ring dips & sub’d 75#…28:36
scaled to 65#
ring dips, jumped and lowered (sort of – needs work!)
clean @ 95, did jumping ring drops, 12:46
CrossFit Kids Saturday at 845 am class will be held outdoors at Arbour lake Playground, across from Amaranth Foods (weather permitting). Drop in is $15.
Clean scaled to 95 Ibs.
Ring Drops-jumped and lowered.
20:03……..Poor but I know it will get better! 🙂
12:52…Clean as rx’d and ring dips as a jump and lower
Modified for home:
Subbed highest box jump I dared for cleans. Used 36″ which was 4 car wheels stacked on top of 4″ plateform. Felt pretty high from my 5-7″….Only crashed once.
Ring dips as Rx’d
10:25 sub ring dips for regular bar dips
Certainly suffered on this one.
24:35. 115# for clean, blue band assist for the dips.
Subbed 115# cleans, parallel bar dips.
This ruined me. Cleans are intense.